Which Tyres Should I Choose?

 One of the things that we are frequently asked about are tyres. To a large extent which tyres you should use largely depends on how you ride and what way your bike is set up. While there are a host of brands available we’ve consulted our friends in Dunlop who’ve put a helpful guide together for us.

For the rider who does the occasional trackday and wants to use the same tyre on the road a HyperSport tyre with a street performance bias will do the job. This type of rubber has a very wide operating window. They warm up quickly without using warmers. They work well in both wet and dry conditions. These are suitable for riders with some, or little riding experience. Dunlops SPORTSMART mk3 is a good example.

A HyperSport tyre with an even bias between riding on track and on the road would suit someone who does trackdays regularly and also rides on the road. Once again, this type of rubber has a very wide operating window. While they’re not the very best in the wet, they do have an acceptable level of grip. These wouldn’t need tyre warmers and are road legal when off the circuit. Dunlops SPORTSMART TT would be perfect for this type of riding.

Recommended pressures for both would be lower on the track than on the road. This allows these tyres to work to their optimum when the heat generated and high cornering speeds demand a tyre that performs as it should.

For riders who have significant track experience and ride a dedicated track bike or race at club level a combination of endurance and grip is what’s required. This is where warmers will be needed. The amount of time it takes to get the tyres up to temperature depends on the compound chosen. Some suspension set up will get more performance from them. The amount of grip offered here is substantially more that any HyperSport tyre. Dunlop recommend a threaded D213 ORO or a slick KR106 /108 for the front /rear.

At our events we all ride the track and as a team we’re more than happy to share our experience. Our partners also offer a supply and /or fitting service.